Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ramblings On My Day-Counting My Blessings

Saturday, August 17

(Just for clarification, I wrote this post over a whole day last week, adding bits and pieces here and there. That's why, at one point I've just finished lunch, and the next I'm fixing dinner. :P)
It's a chilly, fall-ish day up here and I am enjoying my day off, catching up on dishes and laundry and listening to happy music in our cozy apartment (and, of course, blogging). :) 

Jonathan, just went back to work after a relaxing lunch-break together. I love my man; he's been working so hard, working past midnight these past two nights. Of course he doesn't enjoy the lack of sleep or grueling hours, but he goes off to work each day with a smile, telling me how he does it to take care of his family. <heart melts>

I don't know if I've mentioned this before here or not, but in any case - I totally love our huge, fluffy bedspread. I feel like "Agnes" from Despicable Me 2 - "It's SO fluffy!!!" Jonathan teases me all the time about my love of comfort and all-things-cozy. Our bedspread definitely proves his point, but I'm pretty sure he enjoys it almost as much as I do. :)

Another gift from our wedding that makes me happy just to think about is my red stock-pot from the Frost family. :) Currently, I have some chicken simmering in it for tonight's chicken-n-dumplings!

That's all for now! :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

An Adventure Of A Different Sort

My sister, Summer, posted on our Facebook page last week

"Did you have to add one more adventure to your list? Praying for a smooth surgery and super glad that my new neicphew is still ok. Hope you're already feeling better. Love you."

My thoughts exactly...

Last Thursday I was flown in to Anchorage and admitted to the ER with severe abdominal pain. It started suddenly at about 10:30 and only grew worse over the next twenty minutes so I decided to call Jonathan home from work. A lot of things happened once he burst in the door. We called my mom, the dispatch office and found a doctor staying in town who came to take a look at me. It was decided pretty quickly that I needed to be flown to a hospital ASAP.

Blessing #1: When Jonathan called the dispatch office to find out when the next flight out was they told him that their fastest plane was loaded and nearly ready to go with room for us!

Jonathan slipped some shoes on my feet and we immediately left the house (without jackets, my ID or even my glasses.)

I went straight to the waiting plane and climbed in the very back seat. While we were waiting for the other passengers to arrive and board, a few other doctors in town had gathered and were checking on me. They all agreed that the most likely diagnosis was that I had an ectopic pregnancy...incredibly scary words.

Finally the other passengers boarded and the plane was ready to go. Jonathan was sitting behind me in a seat they had to jimmy-rig in at the last minute. He was so good; I probably gave him a few sore fingers squeezing his hand all the way and he kept my head from being bumped around too much.

I think we made record time into town that morning. It felt like a relatively short flight, even to me.

Blessing #2 Once we landed, a dear coworker, Kristy, was waiting with her car to drive us to the hospital. We didn't have to worry about getting our keys, finding our car or navigating the city!

If you've ever been to the ER you know that most of your time there is spent waiting. I'll spare you the frustration but eventually they gave me some pain meds that helped, and took me up to have an ultrasound done.

It wasn't particularly pleasant to have them pushing on my stomach for the ultrasound, but it was so worth it to hear them tell me that I did not have an ectopic pregnancy, and then show me the screen. We could see the baby waving its tiny arms and legs! It was the most wonderful feeling.

Back in the ER the doctor told us that my pain was caused by a twisted ovary, or an ovarian torsion. The only cure was surgery, to either right it or remove it, depending on whether the ovary could recover after regaining blood flow, or not.

Blessing #3 I felt inexplicably calm throughout all of this, even with the prospect of surgery. I never felt uneasy or frightened about what was happening.

Unfortunately, the hospital couldn't schedule me for surgery any sooner than 8PM, so they kept me on pain meds and we updated our situation to family and friends while waiting.

Somewhere around 8 o'clock I was taken back to surgery. This part was a lot rougher for poor Jonathan than for me. He had to watch while they wheeled his new, pregnant wife away, and then wait alone for two hours while I was peacefully snoozing, completely oblivious.

I woke up at 10:30PM, almost as soon as I arrived in recovery, to my knowledge. I don't remember much of what I said in my drugged state, but from what I do remember I feel fairly confident that I didn't make a total fool out of myself.... ;) I remembered to ask for Jonathan, and he was brought in.

I'm not sure when they told me, but at some point I was informed that the surgery went well, but that the doctor had had to remove my ovary. It had gone too long without blood-supply.

Jonathan was able to get a bed of sorts and sleep in my room. We both got a fair amount of sleep that night, between nurses taking my blood pressure and machines going off if I fell too hard asleep.

I think my first words the next morning were, "Wow, yesterday was a bad day." Jonathan concurred. I felt a little overwhelmed realizing that from the time I first felt pain, to the time I woke up from surgery was only 12 hours.

Still, in the middle of all of that, God was so obviously taking extra-special care of us. I've listed some of the most obvious blessings here, but there were so many things that could have gone wrong that didn't, so many prayers and loving messages sent. We heard of multiple people who stayed up late into the night, praying. It meant SO much to us. Thank you!!

 I was discharged Friday afternoon, with an appointment on Monday to have another ultrasound, checking for the baby's heartbeat. We'd been told that the risks of the surgery and drugs for the baby were minimal, but unavoidable, and advised to stay in town in case I had a miscarriage.

Our friend, Kristy, was again a huge blessing and gave us a place to stay while we were in town. I was surprised at how minimal my pain was after surgery and Jonathan and I had a great time over the weekend, enjoying city life again.

Our first order of business was to buy some clothes since we hadn't brought anything but the clothes on our back. A friend sent my glasses to us as well. Hooray!

Some of our splurges while in town:
Most importantly and first of all- a Subway sandwich!
"Despicable Me 2" (in theater!)
Arby's curly-fries (want some more!)
"Planes" (In theater!)
Starbucks and donuts!
Red Robin (First time for me)

Monday finally came around and we showed up for our appointment. I'd felt great the whole weekend but that didn't completely calm my nerves.

Most appreciated blessing of all: I wanted to cry so bad when I saw our baby on the screen, jumping up and down inside me, looking completely healthy and contented. For a while he/she wouldn't be still long enough for the doctor to measure his/her heartbeat, but it was obvious that the baby was feeling great!

We flew back home on Monday afternoon and came home to all of our dishes washed, our house picked up, fresh bread on the table and our bedframe set up! (No more sleeping on the floor!)

As long as I don't laugh or sneeze too hard, I am pain free. Jonathan is back to work as usual, and I head back to my work schedule on Friday.

We appreciate SO very much all of your prayers, loving messages and comments! Even so far away, we felt wrapped in love and concern and that was a huge comfort as we navigated this unexpected obstacle.

We love you back! :)