Monday, February 24, 2014


I am very excited to introduce to you our very own
Ethan Mark!

Today is his actual due date but an ultrasound showed that little Ethan wasn't doing as well in the womb as we would have liked, so labor was induced on the 11th and he was born 17 hours later, perfectly healthy at 6 lbs, 4 oz and 19 1/2 ".

Today we are finally home again, ready to ease back into a daily routine with the help of my mom and sister.

Jonathan and I are both completely in love with our son and are soaking up all the snuggle-time we can get. 

I'm sure all the parents out there will remember how overwhelming it feels to bring a newborn home for the first time, and bringing such a tiny, helpless person out to rural Alaska only amplifies that feeling. 

Being a mother is a constant reminder that I am just as dependent on God as my son is on me and 
that that is exactly where I want to be.

Looking forward to sharing our adventures in parenthood with you! :)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Firsts and Lasts

Last weekend was kind of a big milestone in my mind. For one, it was our last weekend at home just the two of us. (Technically, Baby Wright was right there with us but we're not counting that yet. ;) For two, it was the first time I've flown with Jonathan since we were dating!

It was a gorgeous day out even with the looming fog.

 Tanalian peeking out through the fog as we come in to land.

One year has certainly brought a lot of firsts and lasts for us. It can be an overwhelming feeling sometimes (especially for a hormonal, overtired pregnant woman), navigating all of these changes, but it is also an enormously exciting time as we wait to watch God turn the next page, knowing that our story is being written by a Master.

"Being manifested that you are a letter of Christ...written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of human hearts. 
And such confidence we have through Christ, toward God.
Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, 
Who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit, for the letter kills, but the Spirit brings life."
2 Corinthians 3:3-6

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's Time!

(No, no…I'm not in labor yet. But it's finally sinking in that any day between now and a month from now, we will at last be able to meet our precious little boy!)

Yesterday, Jonathan and I caught our flight into Anchorage and settled into the room we will be calling home for the next few weeks.

It felt a little strange leaving our little blue house knowing that the next time I walk through that door I'll be holding our baby in my arms; there will be a tiny person to sleep in that gigantic crib and those little socks will be covering bitty feet.

I can't wait.

A lot of friends have been curious about how this moving-into-Anchorage works, as in, where will you stay? and where will Jonathan work?

We're staying at the Hickle House - something like a hotel that the hospital owns and keeps for longer-term patients and their families. It's a wonderful solution for us; the Hickle House is steps away from the hospital and my doctor's office is right across the street. It even has a community kitchen that we can use to cook our meals.

Jonathan will be working for Lake Clark Air here in town, doing any maintenance that comes in and working as ground crew in his spare time. It is such a blessing to be with a company that not only understands the unique situations that arise from living in remote Alaska, but is also willing to help us work through them!