Monday, February 24, 2014


I am very excited to introduce to you our very own
Ethan Mark!

Today is his actual due date but an ultrasound showed that little Ethan wasn't doing as well in the womb as we would have liked, so labor was induced on the 11th and he was born 17 hours later, perfectly healthy at 6 lbs, 4 oz and 19 1/2 ".

Today we are finally home again, ready to ease back into a daily routine with the help of my mom and sister.

Jonathan and I are both completely in love with our son and are soaking up all the snuggle-time we can get. 

I'm sure all the parents out there will remember how overwhelming it feels to bring a newborn home for the first time, and bringing such a tiny, helpless person out to rural Alaska only amplifies that feeling. 

Being a mother is a constant reminder that I am just as dependent on God as my son is on me and 
that that is exactly where I want to be.

Looking forward to sharing our adventures in parenthood with you! :)

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