Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Date Day! :)

While we don't get very many "date nights" up here, what we do get occasionally is a "date day"! Before you go getting all jealous, let me explain that this is our first complete day together for a month at least. In fact, I honestly don't remember when our last day together was...but no matter, we've had one now!

We did a lot of relaxing. Watching movies, calling home. Then we walked to the river and Jonathan did a little fishing while I snapped pictures (What else!?)

 That barge (a.k.a. white speck near the top of the picture) was toting a car. Incidentally, barging is the only way to get cars to Port A. It's still a pretty strange sight to me when I see one zipping down the runway. (The cars, NOT the barge)

The weather has been incredible up here these past few weeks! The mosquitoes are loving it too, but fortunately a stiff breeze from the lake keeps them mostly away. :)

This is the way I like to live. :)

 One thing I've realized is how incredibly blessed Jonathan and I are to have known each other so long and to have gotten to know each other so well during our courtship and engagement. We would not be able to handle the limited quality time together up here if we were still getting to know each others' personality and opinions. Yet another amazing testimony for us of God's omniscience and wonderfully orchestrated plan!

Friday, July 26, 2013

A New Beginning

Only a few days ago I posted on Facebook
 " The best thing about Port A. is how the small things become such a big deal.... " 

But I was wrong.

The best thing about Port Alsworth is not the scenery, the peacefulness, or the necessity of simple living. The absolute best thing about Port Alsworth is the people who live here.

Last night I posted on Facebook
"I hate it when I get a craving for something right after our groceries come in. Right now, some Ritz crackers would be amazing with this cheese! So, I'll put that on the list for next month. :D"
Within an hour people were offering me crackers right and left, though by that time I'd logged off and had absolutely no idea. But they didn't stop there. No way! When Jonathan went up to our friends, the Rouths', house to borrow a movie for the night, Heather sent him back with a sleeve of Ritz. Oh! how touched I was. I even felt a little guilty, but not too guilty to enjoy every bite of those crackers! I felt such a warm glow to have such friends already here in Port A.

Less than an hour later and a knock sounds at our door. Two boys held out their gifts announcing that their mom had sent them with two more sleeves of Ritz and a plate of chocolate cheesecake! (Because if a woman is craving anything, chocolate must be included.(; ) I tell you, I nearly burst into tears on the spot and still feel like it every time I think about it.

I've been such a miserable person up here. I don't like to admit it, but it's true. Sure, I've been here two months already, but these people don't really know me. I haven't given them a chance to because, honestly, I've been something of a hermit. I've holed up in my tiny apartment too afraid and too exhausted to deal with more change. I've convinced myself that nothing lies out there that compares with what I've left. I've believed that no one who has not known me my whole life can truly love me.

And I am crying now because these people have chosen to love me already, without knowing me. They have given me the chance I refused to give them. They have accepted me.

I'm sure those women never expected that their gifts would mean so much to me. They were simply loving as Christ has taught them, and in much the same way that His love transforms me, their kindness has transformed my attitude.

Until now, I have not been able to fathom thinking of Alaska as home. I haven't been able to imagine loving this place as fiercely as I hold dear my Georgia. But I see now, that Alaska has things to teach me, or rather, God has things to teach me in Alaska and that they will be so much easier for me to learn if I embrace this place as it has embraced me.

Today marks the beginning of a whole new way of seeing our life here. I can't say I will enjoy my husband working all hours of the night again tonight, or that I won't miss shopping with friends, getting frozen yogurts after a movie, hugging my sweet many things. But I will enjoy the people here, I will breathe deep the fresh air, I will marvel again at God's creation and nearness. I will strive to learn to love and live like Christ again.

Friday, July 19, 2013


BOTHER!I just accidentally deleted that post "We're Back"......grrrrrrrrrr

Sorry folks. I hope you all had a chance to read it.


I think we shocked a lot of friends before we left when they asked about our housing in Port Alsworth and we told them that our apartment would be 200-square-feet. We measured it out a few times and honestly were a little apprehensive ourselves about how we would fit into such a small space.

Thankfully, when we arrived we found our home to be at least a little bigger than our expectations! Here are some pictures for you!

Super-excited to get our stuff!

Hmm, where will all this go?
Not a dining room but at least there's "room for dining"!

The back of our little apartment building. Our door is the farthest to the left.

Another view of our building from the hill behind it.
All moved in - What our home looks like now (minus the dirty dishes...)

We moved the table to the other side of the room (by the bedroom) and it makes a lot more room in here!


There is very little storage in our little space so we make use of every spare inch we can. The cabinet on the upper left holds food (as does above the cabinet and by the microwave) and the one on the right holds our dishes, silverware and cups.
There is absolutely no storage in the bathroom (incidentally there isn't even room for a sink in there), so under the kitchen sink keeps everything from the first-aid kit to trash bags.
Any room left for pots? Yep! They're in the mostly-hidden one behind the frig.
The bathroom door is just to the right of the sink

This panoramic makes our apartment look a lot bigger than it is!

 All of the flooring is new, tile and carpet, for which I am very grateful as I keep hearing how horrid they were before. :D We also have a new water source, which is a blessing since I've heard that it turned the old shower and toilet orange and I've seen its effects on the inside of the washing machine.

 Elizabeth helped me hang the Malagasy tablecloth (from my SIL) over the shelf and I arranged our pictures on it. Looking much better! Can't wait until our wedding pictures get here and I can put some of those up!

Our front door and Jonathan's "baby" over the window ;P

I love my laundry hamper from the Panlilio family! I'm trying-to-patiently wait for a bedframe that will get our mattress far enough off the floor to safely use our be-a-u-ti-ful bedspread from my aunt and uncle. Until then, our blankets from Micah and Holly are keeping us warm.


And finally, our bathroom! Ta-da!

 And there you have it! Not a very lengthy tour, but this is "home sweet home"!