Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Date Day! :)

While we don't get very many "date nights" up here, what we do get occasionally is a "date day"! Before you go getting all jealous, let me explain that this is our first complete day together for a month at least. In fact, I honestly don't remember when our last day together was...but no matter, we've had one now!

We did a lot of relaxing. Watching movies, calling home. Then we walked to the river and Jonathan did a little fishing while I snapped pictures (What else!?)

 That barge (a.k.a. white speck near the top of the picture) was toting a car. Incidentally, barging is the only way to get cars to Port A. It's still a pretty strange sight to me when I see one zipping down the runway. (The cars, NOT the barge)

The weather has been incredible up here these past few weeks! The mosquitoes are loving it too, but fortunately a stiff breeze from the lake keeps them mostly away. :)

This is the way I like to live. :)

 One thing I've realized is how incredibly blessed Jonathan and I are to have known each other so long and to have gotten to know each other so well during our courtship and engagement. We would not be able to handle the limited quality time together up here if we were still getting to know each others' personality and opinions. Yet another amazing testimony for us of God's omniscience and wonderfully orchestrated plan!


  1. Seems like you had a good day. :) With plenty of relaxation. :D Here is hoping that they happen more often. :D
