Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 2 - Alaska Bound

Day Two proved to be pretty exciting as we began the day with sunshine and warm temperatures and ended it with icy roads and a blanket of snow on the ground! Talk about a drastic change!

Watching the weather and landscape change has been one of the most fascinating things about this trip. We left Georgia with the trees fully leafed out, the pollen mostly washed away and the leaves taking on a deeper, summer-y green. As we drove further north, we began to see the colors lighten and some of the flowering trees reappear. Driving through Missouri and Nebraska today, the leaves disappeared altogether and we soon ran into rain which turned into freezing rain and finally, snow! I thought it rather amusing that the first snow I've seen in around two years happened to be on May 1st. ;)

Driving through a snowstorm definitely kept the day from being boring. The paved roads never got too bad, but once we neared our housing for the night (one of Jonathan's friends' house) we had to turn on a dirt road, which had turned into a slushy mess. We slid around a good deal and succeeded in turning our bright white trailer a lovely gray-brown but fortunately we didn't get stuck and we made it there in one piece. :) (Sorry I don't have pictures tonight. I left my camera in the car and it's cold, wet and dark out there! I'll try to post some later.)

Every mile we drive continues to be a new record in my ventures west. In Tennessee and Kentucky the landscape didn't differ that much from my home state. Out here I can see for miles and miles. I can see the beginning and the end of trains a mile away! It feels very different from my familiar hometown and every now and then I feel a little disoriented, but I'm so glad to be making this trip with my best friend!

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